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Simple Guide for Painting Eyes

Simple Guide for Painting Eyes

Monday, January 11, 2010

Simple Guide for Painting Eyes

When painting a realistic eye it is important to remember that an eye is round. Even if you cannot see the entire pupil or iris it must maintain the illusion of being round.

Shading is an important aspect of keeping the rounded eye illusion. For example, shading the white portion of the eye will focus the light source and create perspective.

The iris is made up of several shades of one color family and sometimes even a few flecks of contrasting colors. Therefore, painting the iris one solid color is out of the question.


Statuary Painting

A male figure’s eyelashes will be shorter and thicker. It is important to line the upper and lower lid with darker shades of brown or rust color hues as the lashes will be darker at the base line (avoid black, if possible, as it tends to look like make-up). Begin in the center of the eye with longer thicker lashes and work your way towards each corner with strokes getting shorter and lighter. To avoid the appearance of a directional sweep (all your lashes pointing in the same direction in a sweeping motion), paint a few strokes in a “V” and occaisionally an “X” pattern as if you were painting grass. Use quick small strokes making sure to curve each lash slightly. Make sure that NO lashes go straight up and down.

Paint the water line (the line closest to the eye) a dark pinkish flesh tone. Line the lid below the waterline with the darker transparent brown hue then add your lashes. Lower lashes should be pale and sparse on male figures or they will appear feminine.